One day, a great deal of information about you or a loved one will be needed by your family. When you find out about your options before the need arises, you will have time to look at services, facilities, and prices without strain or worry. Why be unprepared?
Many people today have decided to make funeral planning easier by arranging funeral services in advance. Planning ahead can be done in a short time, in the comfort of your own home, or at our Gibbons Funeral Home. Recording this information in advance spares your family the responsibility of making arrangements on what may be the most difficult day of their lives. When services have been decided before need, you and your family can have peace of mind, knowing everything has been planned just as you selected.
It is your choice to prepay your funeral expenses or pay at the time of need. The advantage of paying in advance is that the arrangements you select now will be paid in the future regardless of increases due to inflation. We guarantee to provide the service of your choice, without any additional cost to you or your family, no matter when the service is needed. Please see our Final Requests page for forms to help you get organized.
Schedule an Appointment or CallWe look forward to serving you!